Avengers Assemble User Guide

Avengers Assemble (AA) is a desktop app for managing contacts, meant for use with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

The application is designed for Head Tutors of the NUS CS1101S Programming Methodology course, who intend to simplify their administrative tasks relating to contact management between students, other teaching assistants, and course instructors.

This user guide provides a comprehensive overview of the Avengers Assemble's features and functionalities, and aims to guide you through its setup and usage. We will walk you through each feature in a structured manner:

  1. Installation,
  2. Basic commands like adding and editing, and
  3. Advanced commands like filtering and exporting of data.

By following this guide, you will be able to gain a thorough understanding of Avengers Assemble and maximize its potential to streamline your administrative tasks.

Table of Contents

Click below to navigate the user guide:

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.

  2. Download the latest avengersassemble.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for our application.

  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use the java -jar avengersassemble.jar command to run the application.

     cd <path_to_the_folder_containing_the_jar_file>
     java -jar avengersassemble.jar

    You should see this when the app starts up. Note how it contains some sample data.

image of avengers assemble's ui

  1. Refer to the features below for details of each command.

Outline of Application

The image below shows the outline of the application, with the main sections highlighted:

outlined image of avengers assemble's ui

The main sections are as follows:

  1. Command Input Box:
    • This is where you can type your commands.
    • Press Enter to execute the command.
  2. Results Box:
    • This area displays the results of the commands you have executed.
    • It will also display any error messages if the command was not executed successfully.
  3. Persons Display Panel:
    • This area displays the list of persons that you have imported or saved into our application.
    • Each persons is displayed with an index number, name, email, phone number, address, and tags.
    • Each person is also displayed with their matriculation number, studio group, and reflection group if they have been added.
    • If an exam is selected, the person's score for that exam will also be displayed if it exists.
  4. Exams Display Panel:
    • This area displays the list of exams that you have added into our application.
    • Each exam is displayed with an index number, name, and maximum score.
    • Selected exams will be highlighted in the list.

Contact Management Features

These features are designed to help you manage your contacts effectively and centralizes all contact information in one place. You can import contacts from CSV files generated by external sources such as canvas and edurec, manage the contact details of each person in your contact list, and export relevant data as CSV files.


These boxes might offer you additional information of different types:

Good to know: Provides you with supporting information.

Important: Provides you with more important information that you should know.

Tip: Provides you with tips to use our app more effectively.

Caution: Provides you with warnings about potential issues you might face.

Getting Help : help

Copies the link of our user guide to your clipboard. Paste it into a browser to view it.

Format: help

You will see this message when you have successfully copied the link.

image of help window

Before we proceed with the commands, here are some important points to note on their formatting. These points will also be repeated in the command parameter summary for you to refer to easily at any point in time.


  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by you.

    e.g. in add n|NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n|John Doe.

  • Prefixes encased with '[ ]' are optional.

    e.g. n|NAME [t|TAG] can be used as n|John Doe t|friend or as n|John Doe.

  • Prefixes with '…' after them can be used multiple times.

    e.g. [t|TAG]…​ can be used as (i.e. 0 times), t|friend (i.e 1 time), t|friend t|family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.

    e.g. if the command specifies n|NAME p|PHONE_NUMBER, p|PHONE_NUMBER n|NAME is also acceptable.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help , list, exit, copy, export and clear) will be ignored.

    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.


  • If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

Clearing All Entries : clear

Deletes all data from the application. This includes all contact information and examinations.

Format: clear

Using clear will delete all data in an irreversible manner. Be sure to back up your relevant data by using the export command before using this command.

Importing Persons from a CSV File : import

Imports all persons and their details from a CSV file of your specification.

Format: import i|FILEPATH


  • The file path should be absolute.
  • This command will only import persons' particulars. To import exam scores, take a look at importExamScores.
  • All compulsory parameters must be present in the column headings (i.e. the first row) of the CSV file you are importing i.e. name, email, phone and address.
  • Only values under accepted column headings are read i.e. name, email, phone, address, tags, matric, reflection and studio
  • The number of headers must match the number of cells for each row.
  • Invalid rows will be skipped and will not be imported!

Example: import i|/Users/johansoo/Desktop/AvengersAssemble/exam_data.csv
imports the data from the CSV file located at /Users/johansoo/Desktop/AvengersAssemble/exam_data.csv

You will see this message once you successfully imported the data, with the app showing the details of the imported persons:

image of successful import

For more details on the input parameter, click here.

Adding a Person : add

Adds a person to your contact list. The person's details are now stored in the application.



Each person should have a unique email address. Avengers Assemble does not allow for duplicate email addresses to be added.


A person can have any number of tags (including 0)

Note: For your convenience, a student tag will automatically be added to a contact if they are added with a matriculation number. You are free to edit or remove the tags after the person is added with the edit command. For example, a student TA can be added with the student tag, and then the TA tag can be added to indicate that they are a TA.

Example: add n|John Doe p|98765432 e|johnd@example.com a|John street, block 123, #01-01 m|A1234567Z s|S1 r|R2
adds a contact John Doe with the respective phone number, email and physical addresses, matriculation number, studio group and reflection group.

You will see this message once you have successfully added a person, indicating their details:

image showing the successful addition of persons

For more details on each parameter, click here.

Editing a Person : edit

Edits the details of an existing person in your contact list.



  • The person at the specified INDEX will be edited. The index must be a positive integer (1, 2, 3, …)​.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the new values.
  • Editing tags will replace all existing tags i.e. adding of tags is not cumulative.
  • You can remove optional fields by typing t|, m|, r| or s| respectively without any values.


Updating a matriculation number, studio, or reflection field will not automatically update the tags of the person. You will need to manually update the tags if necessary.


  1. edit 2 n|Betsy Crower t|:
    • Edits the name of the second person to be Betsy Crower and clears all existing tags.

  1. edit 1 p|91234567 e|johndoe@example.com:
    • Edits the phone number and email address of the first person to be 91234567 and johndoe@example.com respectively.

You will see this message once you have successfully edited a person, indicating their updated details:

image showing a successful edit

For more details on each parameter, click here.

Deleting a Person : delete

Deletes the specified person from your contact list.

Format: delete INDEX


The person at the specified INDEX will be deleted. The index must be a positive integer (1, 2, 3, …)​


  1. find n|Betsy followed by delete 1 deletes the first person in the results of the find command.
  2. list followed by delete 1 deletes the first person stored in the app.

You will see this message once you successfully delete a person from your list, indicating the details of the deleted person:

image showing a successful delete

Deleting Filtered Persons : deleteShown

Deletes the current filtered list of persons. Requires a find command to be run first.

Format: deleteShown


  • Deletes all persons in the current filtered list of persons.
  • The list of persons is filtered using the most recent find command.
  • The remaining list of persons is shown after the list command is executed.

Note: The application ignores any extraneous parameters as we assume they are typos.

You will see this message once you have successfully deleted the shown persons from your list.

image of a successful deleteshown

Listing All Persons : list

Displays all the persons in your contact list.

Format: list

Note: The application ignores any extraneous parameters as we assume they are typos.

You will see this message once you have successfully listed all contacts, with the app showing all existing persons in the contact list:

image of a successful list

Filtering Persons : find

Filters your contacts based on specific criteria you set.



  • Use this command to search for persons using a specific aspect of their details, as specified by the prefix.
  • The search will return any result that contains the keyword you have specified or matches the condition provided by the user.

    e.g. find e|john will find any person that contains john in their email.
    e.g. find lt|50 will find any person who scored lower than 50 marks for the selected exam.
    e.g. find mt|80.55 will find any person who scored more than 80.55 marks for the selected exam.

  • The search is case-insensitive.
  • Only one prefix can be used at a time.

Important: An exam must be selected for this command to work with the lt| and mt| prefixes! You can use the selectExam command to do so.

Example: find n|John
returns john and John Doe if they exist in your contact book.

You will see this message once you have successfully found a person, with the app showing all persons that match your search criteria:

image of successful find

For more details on each parameter, click here.

Copying Emails : copy

Copies the emails of currently displayed persons into your clipboard.

Format: copy


  • The emails copied into your clipboard will have semicolons separating them.
  • Semicolons are used as delimiters to separate the emails when pasted into any email client.


  • Use list or find to get the list of people you would like to email.
  • The emails are copied into your clipboard such that you may easily broadcast emails to specific groups of people.

Note: The application ignores any extraneous parameters as we assume they are typos.

You will see this message once you have successfully copied the emails of the persons shown to you, indicating that they have been copied to the clipboard:

image of successful copy

Exporting Data to a CSV File : export

Exports currently displayed persons and their details to a CSV file of your specification.

Format: export

By default, the file will be stored in addressbookdata/avengersassemble.csv.


You can specify the groups of contacts you want to export using the find or list commands before you use this command.


When performing an export, the current information will overwrite any existing CSV files with the same name. If you want to preserve the exported data, you should rename it or save it in a separate location.

You will see this message once you have successfully exported the data:

image of successful export

Exiting the Program : exit

Exits the program. The app will close automatically.

Format: exit

Note: The application ignores any extraneous parameters as we assume they are typos.

Exam Management Features

These features are designed to help you manage exam scores for the persons in your contact list and consolidate all assessment data from canvas, edurec, and source academy. You can import exam scores from CSV files generated by these platforms, manage the exam scores of each person in your contact list, and gather statistics on student performance.

Importing Exam Scores from a CSV File : importExamScores

Imports all exam results from a CSV file.

Format: importExamScores i|FILEPATH


  • The file path should be absolute.
  • The email header must be the first column header.
  • Exam names starting with Exam: e.g. if your exam is named Midterms, the column heading containing the scores for Midterms should be named Exam:Midterms.
  • This command will only import scores if both the person and exam exists currently in Avengers Assemble. Use add and addExam to add persons and exams respectively.
  • Duplicate exam headers in the CSV file will be ignored, with only the first occurrence being used.
  • Each row following the header row corresponds to an individual's exam scores, with the first column containing the person's email address and the subsequent columns containing the scores for the exams as specified by the headers.
  • Exam score values should be entered as decimal numbers within the valid score range (0 - maximum score), rounded to a maximum of 2 decimal places.


  • Erroneous entries will be ignored, and the application will continue to import the rest of the data.
  • This command will only import persons' exam scores. To import persons' particulars, take a look at import

Example: importExamScores i|/Users/johansoo/Desktop/AvengersAssemble/exam_data.csv
imports exam results from the CSV file located at /Users/johansoo/Desktop/AvengersAssemble/exam_data.csv.

You will see this message once you have successfully imported the exam results:

image of successful importExamScores

For more details on the parameter, click here.

Adding an Exam : addExam

Adds an exam into your exam list.

Format: addExam n|NAME s|MAX_SCORE


Each exam should have a unique name. Avengers Assemble does not allow for exams with duplicate names to be added.

Example: addExam n|Midterm s|100
Adds an exam with the name "Midterm" and a max score of "100" into your exam list.

You will see this message once you successfully add an exam, including the details of the exam:

image of successful addExam

For more details on each parameter, click here.

Deleting an Exam : deleteExam

Removes an exam from your exam list.

Format: deleteExam INDEX


  • Deletes the exam at the specified INDEX.
  • When an exam is deleted, all corresponding records of scores associated with that exam will also be deleted.
  • If the currently selected exam is deleted, it will be deselected.

Example: deleteExam 3
Removes the third exam displayed in Avengers Assemble.

You will see this message once you have successfully deleted an exam, including the details of the exam you are deleting:

image of successful deleteExam

Selecting an Exam : selectExam

Selects an exam in your exam list.

Format: selectExam INDEX


  • Selects the exam at the specified INDEX.
  • On selection, the exam will become highlighted on the user interface.
  • Selecting an exam will display all scores of persons associated with that exam.

Example: selectExam 1
Selects the first exam displayed on the exam list.

You will see this message once you have successfully selected an exam, including the details of the exam:

image of successful selectExam

Deselecting an Exam : deselectExam

Deselects your currently selected exam.

Format: deselectExam

You will see this message once you have successfully deselected an exam:

image of successful deselectExam

Adding an Exam Score : addScore

Adds an exam score to a person at the specified index.

Format: addScore INDEX s|SCORE

Important: An exam must be selected for this command to work! You can use the selectExam command to do so.


  • Adds an exam score to the person at the specific INDEX.
  • The exam score added will correspond to the currently selected exam.
  • The exam score added cannot be greater than the max score of the currently selected exam.
  • The exam score will be displayed on the user interface only when the corresponding exam is selected.

Example: addScore 1 s|42
Adds a score of 42 to the person currently displayed at index 1.

You will see this message once you successfully add a score, including the name of the person you added the score for:

image of successful addScore

For more details on the parameter, click here.

Editing an Exam Score : editScore

Edits a specified person's exam score.

Format: editScore INDEX s|SCORE


  • Edits the exam score of the person at the specific INDEX.
  • A person must have an exam score for the currently selected exam for this command to work.
  • The exam score edited corresponds to the currently selected exam.
  • The exam score cannot be edited to be greater than the max score of the currently selected exam.


An exam must be selected for this command to work! You can use the selectExam command to do so.

Example: editScore 1 s|25
Edits the score of the person currently displayed at index 1 to 25.

You will see this message once you successfully edit a score, including some details of the person you added the score for:

image of successful editScore

For more details on the parameter, click here.

Deleting an Exam Score : deleteScore

Deletes a specified person's exam score.

Format: deleteScore INDEX


  • Deletes the exam score of the person at the specific INDEX.
  • A person must have an exam score for the currently selected exam for this command to work.
  • The exam score deleted corresponds to the currently selected exam.


An exam must be selected for this command to work! You can use the selectExam command to do so.

Example: deleteScore 1
deletes the score of the person currently displayed at index 1.

You will see this message once you have successfully deleted a score, including some details of the person you added the score for:

image of successful deleteScore

Mean and Median of Exam Scores

You can view the mean and median of the scores of the exam currently selected at the bottom right of the application window.


  • When an exam is selected, the mean and median will automatically show up on the right of the footer of the application.
  • The mean and median is calculated based on the currently filtered list of persons.
  • If a person has no score for the selected exam, he is completely excluded from the calculation of mean and median.

When an exam is selected, the statistics will show on the bottom right of the application:

image of application window indicating mean and median scores

Additional Information

Saving the Data

All data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

Editing the Data File

All data are saved automatically as a JSON file located at [JAR file location]/data/avengersassemble.json by default. You can update data directly by editing that data file if you are an advanced user.


If your changes to the data file makes its format invalid, Avengers Assemble will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Hence, it is recommended to take a backup of the file before editing it.
Furthermore, certain edits can cause the Avengers Assemble application to behave in unexpected ways (e.g., if a value entered is outside the acceptable range). Therefore, edit the data file only if you are confident that you can update it correctly.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous AA home folder.

Known Issues

Using Multiple Screens

If you move the application to a secondary screen, and later switch to using only the primary screen, the GUI will open off-screen. The remedy is to delete the preferences.json file created by the application before running the application again.

Importing on MacOS

On MacOS computers, due to privacy settings, the application may encounter difficulties accessing and importing CSV files from various locations. If this issue occurs, transfer the CSV file you want to import to the same folder where the application's JAR file is located, then try again.

Exporting Data on Initial Launch

Since the export function relies on data stored in your computer's hard disk, there might be some issues exporting it during the first launch of the application. If you encounter this problem, you can resolve it by executing any other command (such as list) and then attempting the export again.

Command Summary

Below is a summary of the commands available in Avengers Assemble. Some examples are included for your convenience.

Action Format, Examples
Help help
Clear clear
Import import i|FILEPATH

  • e.g. import i|C:/Users/alk/Downloads/avengersassemble.csv

  • e.g. add n|James Ho p|22224444 e|jamesho@example.com a|123, Clementi Rd, 1234665 t|friend t|colleague m|A1234567X

  • e.g. edit 2 n|James Lee e|jameslee@example.com m|A1234567X
Delete delete INDEX

  • e.g. delete 3
Delete Shown Persons deleteShown
List list

  • e.g. find n|James
Copy copy
Export to CSV export
Exit exit
Import Exam Scores importExamScores i|FILEPATH

  • e.g. importExamScores i|C:/Users/alk/Downloads/exam_scores.csv
Add Exam addExam n|NAME s|MAX_SCORE

  • e.g. addExam n|Midterm s|100
Delete Exam deleteExam INDEX

  • e.g. deleteExam 3
Select Exam selectExam INDEX

  • e.g. selectExam 1
Deselect Exam deselectExam
Add Exam Score addScore INDEX s|SCORE

  • e.g. addScore 1 s|42
Edit Exam Score editScore INDEX s|SCORE

  • e.g. editScore 1 s|25
Delete Exam Score deleteScore INDEX

  • e.g. deleteScore 1

Command Parameter Summary

Some commands require you to include parameters. These parameters are identified by prefixes. Here are a list of valid prefixes and what they each refer to.


  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by you.

    e.g. in add n|NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n|John Doe.

  • Prefixes encased with '[ ]' are optional.

    e.g. n|NAME [t|TAG] can be used as n|John Doe t|friend or as n|John Doe.

  • Prefixes with '…' after them can be used multiple times.

    e.g. [t|TAG]…​ can be used as (i.e. 0 times), t|friend (i.e 1 time), t|friend t|family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.

    e.g. if the command specifies n|NAME p|PHONE_NUMBER, p|PHONE_NUMBER n|NAME is also acceptable.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help , list, exit, copy, export and clear) will be ignored.

    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.


  • If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.
  • Note the same prefix may be used for different purposes such as in the case of s| for studios and for scores. In these cases, we ensure no command would have to use the same prefix for multiple purposes.
Prefix What it Refers to Max. Length Constraints
n| Name 80 Should only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the characters ,, -, ., /, ( and ).
n| Exam Name 30 Should only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.
p| Phone Number 30 It can start with an optional + to indicate the country code, with the rest only containing numbers. It should be at least 3 digits long.
e| Email 100 Format: local-part@domain
Constraints for local part:
• Should only contain alphanumeric characters, and the characters +, _, . and -.
• Should not start or end with special characters.
• Should not have two consecutive special characters.
Constraints for domain:
• Made up of domain labels separated by periods.
• Must end with a domain label of at least 2 characters long.
• Domain label should consist of alphanumeric characters separated only by singular hyphens, if any.
a| Address 100 Can take any values.
i| Path of CSV File to Import - Should be the absolute file path of the CSV file without any inverted commas.
[m| ] Matriculation ID Fixed at 9 The first letter must be an uppercase 'A', followed by 7 numbers, and end with an uppercase letter.
[r| ] Reflection Group 4 The first letter must be an uppercase 'R', followed by any number.
[s| ] Studio Group 4 The first letter must be an uppercase 'S', followed by any number.
[s| ] Score 7 + 2 decimals For exam max scores: the input must be a positive integer.
For persons' exam scores: the input must be an integer greater than or equal to zero.
[t| ]… Tags 100 Should be alphanumeric, and should not contain spaces.
[lt|] Less Than 7 + 2 decimals Should be a positive numerical value smaller than the currently selected exam's max score.
[mt| ] More Than 7 + 2 decimals Should be a positive numerical value smaller than the currently selected exam's max score.